About The Founders

Global Network was formed in the spring of 2015 in response to a growing demand for our founding team members to collaborate, to combine our fields of expertise and experience, and to better serve our respective clients on an increasing range of projects of ever-increasing scope.  Since that time, our new alliance has already grown its own client base to span most provinces in Canada and several states in the U.S. 

Norm Taylor, President and Partner

Norm Taylor has been an independent advisor, educator, author and researcher for more than 40 years, concentrating his practice in the field of policing and public safety for the past 30 years.  Between 2008-17, he spent much of his professional life in Saskatchewan as a Senior Advisor to the Deputy Ministry of Justice: Corrections and Policing.  His 2009 Future of Policing report to cabinet set the stage for the whole-of-government approach to crime reduction, and he and his advisory team have been widely recognized as co-founders and architects of the high-profile Situation Table model.  Norm also served for two years as a Lead Advisor to the Ontario Working Group, and through 2014-17 he served often as a Special Advisor to Ontario’s Deputy Solicitor General, assisting with the formulation and initial roll-out of the Strategy for a Safer Ontario, enacted into provincial law in spring 2018.

In 2014, Norm co-founded Global Network for Community Safety and he and his Global Network partners continue to support jurisdictions across North America in the adoption of multi-sector solutions and social innovation strategies. Norm and his team have been instrumental in transforming public and community-based services and supporting the advancement of community safety and well-being (CSWB) concepts across Canada and into the US.  Since the 2020 pandemic, and through innovative use of virtual and on-site learning methods based upon their unique intellectual property, Global Network has guided the responsible introduction of Situation Tables in more than 40 communities across British Columbia and in nearly a dozen states in the USA.

Since 2002, Norm has served as co-founder and Program Director of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) Executive Global Studies Program where he has led over 250 Canadian police leaders through global research studies in 56 countries.  Norm also serves on the CACP International Policing Committee, was a founding member of the CACP E-Crime Cyber Crime Council and is also an associate member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).

Norm is widely recognized as a speaker and moderator.  Since 2014, he has organized and executed four national conferences on mental health issues in partnership with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) and the Mental Health Commission of Canada. He also served as Moderator and Lead Writer for the Ontario Chief Coroner’s 2019 Expert Panel report on Police Officer Deaths by Suicide, Staying Visible Staying Connected For Life; and again for a similar panel in 2022 studying deaths in provincial custody, authoring the final report titled An Obligation to Prevent.

In 2016, Norm was named as founding Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed open access Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB).  Under his leadership, the Journal has become the official publication of the international Law Enforcement Public Health (LEPH) movement.  Norm is a recipient of the Saskatchewan Premier’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration (Innovation 2014); the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award (CACP 2012); the Governor General’s Gold Medal for Academic Excellence (Athabasca University 2008); and in 2018 he was awarded an Honorary Queen’s Commission with the Ontario Provincial Police. 

Lisa Taylor (M.Des) - Partner and Senior Vice-President

Lisa Taylor is a creative designer, communicator, policy strategist, social innovator, and foresight professional, with a diverse career that has evolved through more than two decades of experience as a consultant and advisor to organizations and executives in both the public and private sectors.

Passionate about social justice, for over 15 years Ms. Taylor has focused a large portion of her consulting work around building effective collaborations among health and human services, and policing and public safety agencies.  As part of that work, alongside her business partner, Ms. Taylor served as a Senior and Special Advisor for two Deputy Ministers, the Deputy Solicitor General of Ontario (2014-2018), and the Deputy Minister of Public Safety of Saskatchewan (2008-2017).  

She is recognized globally as one of the original architects of the Hub - Situation Table model, and the broader Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) movement which grew out of Saskatchewan over 10 years ago.  Ms. Taylor played a continuous lead role as a professional advisor in conceiving, developing, mobilizing these concepts which helped to inspire and align Canadian and American communities within this global movement spanning over 50 countries, known internationally as both Law Enforcement Public Health (LEPH) and CSWB.  In 2014, for this original work in Saskatchewan, Ms. Taylor and a small team of ministry officials and advisors were recognized and received the Premier’s Award for Excellence in Public Service: Innovation Category.  

Ms. Taylor has contributed to the design and execution of several international, national, and provincial conferences.  In Europe, the USA, and across Canada, she has been a featured presenter and moderator at major events keyed to a variety of topics including social media, criminal intelligence, the opioid crisis, Indigenous futures, advanced analytics, globalization, over-representation in the justice system, and LEPH.

In addition, Ms. Taylor developed, and continues to provide content expertise and coaching services to the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) Strategic Foresight learning program for policing professionals across Canada.   She has also developed and introduced a number of innovative e-learning strategies and programs related to CSWB.

Ms. Taylor is a founding partner in the Global Network for Community Safety, which work towards fundamental transformations in the public service through the advancement of just and equitable community safety and well-being (CSWB) approaches in Canada and beyond.  She also owns and operates Form Strategy and Design, which offers consulting and advisory services outside of the CSWB space, in areas such as strategy, business development, strategic foresight, as well as and marketing, communications, and branding.



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Canadian Mailing Address:

Global Network for Community Safety LLC
699 Mary St. N,
Oshawa, ON, Canada
L1G 5G1