Our Work

Our growing list of clients and related work. 

Barrie, Ontario

Barrie is situated in Central Ontario, one-hour North of Toronto with a population of 128,430. Initiated by the Barrie Police Service alongside community partners and agencies, the Collaborate Barrie situation table meets weekly to discuss situations of elevated risk and develop immediate, coordinated and integrated responses through the mobilization of existing resources.

With the guidance of our Global Network founders, Collaborate Barrie was launched in June of 2015 following community engagements, interactive on-line training of all participants, and advisory support. The initiative continues to grow and our firm is still engaged providing evaluation and analytical support.

Brandon, MB

Brandon is the first community in Manitoba to initiate and launch a risk driven community safety and well-being initiative in the province. Brandon holds a population just over 46,000 citizens, and is second in size only to Winnipeg. The Westman Community Mobilization Hub table (WCMH) was formed with local community agencies and human services in order to identify and mitigate situations of elevated risk. Brandon’s WCMH recently celebrated its first year of operation and continues to grow and support those at risk in their community.

The Westman Community Mobilization proceeded under the guidance and support of The Global Network, and all members of their table and many others completed our interactive e-Learning program. Meeting twice weekly, the WCMH has been in operation since April 2015 and has intervened in over 150 situations.

Brantford, ON

The Brant Community Response Team (BRTC) was formed in 2015 in Brantford, Ontario. Located in Southwestern Ontario, and with a population close to 100,00 citizens, the BCRT situation table is a community safety and well-being initiative focusing on risk driven collaborative interventions for situations of acute risk.

With initial support, guidance and training by Global Network founders, The Global Network also provided evaluation and advisory support as the BRTC continues to pro-actively and collaboratively serve its community.

Canadian Air Traffic Security Authority (CATSA)

With decades of experience in executive and managerial development, supported by the award winning research of Global Network’s President Norm Taylor into the unique learning needs of mid-life professionals, we provide customized approaches to executive and management team coaching. We have been pleased to work with CATSA in this capacity.

Chelsea, Massachusetts

 The city of Chelsea near Boston has invested considerable interest and early training towards the potential of an active Hub and COR model to serve their community.  Planning continues.


Members of our Global Network team provided initial education and policy support to the mobilization phases of a Hub and COR application in the city of Chelsea, and several members from the Chelsea Police and a number of their local and state level partner agencies have already participated in our e-Learning program.


Please send all Email inquiries here or fill out the contact form to the right.

Canadian Mailing Address:

Global Network for Community Safety LLC
699 Mary St. N,
Oshawa, ON, Canada
L1G 5G1