United Chiefs and Councils of Mnidoo Mnising - Maamwi Naadamadaa Gchi Mino Naadmaadwin Teg

Located in Lake Huron, Manitoulin Island’s population of 12,600 hosts two incorporated towns as well as 6 Anishinaabe First Nation communities. The United Chiefs and Councils of Mnidoo Mnising (UCCM) along with the UCCM Police, provided leadership in activating a situation table in Little Current in 2015 to better serve those at acute risk in their communities.

There are currently no UCCMM specific documents. To see a complete list of our General Reference Materials click here.


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Canadian Mailing Address:

Global Network for Community Safety LLC
699 Mary St. N,
Oshawa, ON, Canada
L1G 5G1