Westman Community Mobilization Hub

Brandon is the first community in Manitoba to initiate and launch a risk driven community safety and well-being initiative in the province. Brandon holds a population just over 46,000 citizens, and is second in size only to Winnipeg. The Westman  Community Mobilization Hub table (WCMH) was formed with local community agencies and human services in order to identify and mitigate situations of elevated risk. Brandon’s WCMH recently celebrated its first year of operation and continues to grow and support those at risk in their community.   

There are currently no Brandon specific documents. To see a complete list of our General Reference Materials click here.


Please send all Email inquiries here or fill out the contact form to the right.

Canadian Mailing Address:

Global Network for Community Safety LLC
699 Mary St. N,
Oshawa, ON, Canada
L1G 5G1